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Sierra San Joaquin Jobs Catalyst Partners

In March 2024, the Sierra San Joaquin Jobs (S2J2) Initiative launched a Catalyst Request for Proposals (RFP) – an effort to identify transformative projects that align with our regional framework and address the real and pressing needs of communities across the four-county region. 


The RFP closed in April 2024 and attracted over 50 applications totaling more than $70 million in requested funding!


Over the past couple of months, our stakeholders have spent countless hours carefully reviewing and evaluating these proposals through extensive scoring and difficult decision-making conversations.


We are thrilled to announce the eight projects that have been awarded funding through this Catalyst RFP!


These catalytic initiatives will serve as powerful engines to drive equitable growth, economic mobility, and environmental stewardship across our region. From pilot workforce development programs to critical ecological restoration, each selected project aligns and advances the vision laid out in our S2J2 Regional Investment Plan. 


To learn more about these projects or to explore potential connections, please contact  

Access Plus Capital

Valley Green Futures | Location: Regional

With large investments emerging for greenhouse gas reduction initiatives, Access Plus Capital (APC) is launching a pilot approach to ensure the region can fully capitalize on these opportunities. Central to this project is a revolving loan to help BIPOC and women owned small businesses make climate-beneficial improvements. Complementing this financial support, they will also provide education and technical assistance around the green climate finance landscape and work with a Green Climate Finance Consultant to leverage public and private funding opportunities. By building the capacity of businesses and equipping them with the knowledge and resources to succeed, this project will unlock new opportunities for growth, job creation, and environmental stewardship.

Central Valley Immigrant Integration Collaborative

Making it in America | Location: Regional

Central Valley Immigrant Integration Collaborative (CVIIC) is dedicated to empowering low-income, mixed-status, Latino immigrant families across the four-county region. Their project evolves and expands upon CVIICs work and offers three interrelated and essential services: immigration legal services, digital literacy training, and entrepreneurship training. Through this multifaceted approach, CVIIC will create a powerful pathway for economic mobility through entrepreneurship enabling immigrants to realize their full potential and make meaningful contributions to our communities.


Central Valley Regional (CVR) Simulation Center | Location: Regional

HealthForce will engage in transformative partnerships to create a Regional Simulation Center (Sim Center) that will enhance healthcare education across the region. The Sim Center will offer hands-on learning experiences for healthcare professionals and students, advancing clinical skills and ultimately improving patient care and safety. Through this regional vision, this exploratory project will drive catalytic change, foster key collaborations, promote innovation, provide economic opportunities and has the potential to impact and transform the future of healthcare across our four-county region! 

Kings Water Alliance

Ripple Effect Initiative | Location: rural Fresno, Kings, and Tulare counties
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Kings Water Alliance (KWA) will lead a community-driven approach to water security in rural Fresno, Kings, and Tulare countries. Through a comprehensive inventory process, KWA is mapping the full landscape of water projects, water-related organizations, and educational institutions providing relevant workforce training. This holistic assessment will unlock transformative opportunities to align and ignite investment, infrastructure, and economic opportunities.  

By catalyzing this community-led model, KWA aims to not only safeguard local drinking water supplies, but also foster a thriving water workforce.

Madera County Department of Public Health

Community Resilience Center | Location: Madera County

In advance of the 2028 completion of the Madera Community Resilience Center, the Madera County Department of Public Health (MCDPH) is pioneering transformative resilience programming. Guided by a climate resilience expert, MCDPH will engage communities to deeply understand their needs and existing assets through an inclusive and equitable approach. 

They will pilot education programs to equip residents with climate education, resource conservation, and mental health tools. Potential programming may include drought resistant gardening, water capture and conservation, nutrition and physical activity classes, peer-support networks, community-led disaster and evacuation planning. This catalytic project will empower Madera residents to navigate climate resilience and lay the foundation for sustainability.

Sequoia Riverlands Trust

Rooted in Resilience: Planning, Growing, Restoring | Location: Regional

Sequoia Riverlands Trust (SRT) will drive a collaborative approach to addressing crucial ecological restoration and climate resilience in the region. Central to this initiative is the expansion of the Dry Creek Nursery, including the construction of a greenhouse to ensure year-round native plant production. This project will engage community through new volunteer and educational opportunities, while also collaborating with local partners to build capacity and create pathways for employment in land management and restoration roles.


By combining ecological priorities, community engagement, and workforce development, this transformative initiative advances the vision and the critical priorities of the Nature-Based Solutions investment chapter detailed within the S2J2 Regional Plan. 

Youth Leadership Institute

Rep 559 | Location: Fresno & Madera County 
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With expertise in capacity building and youth organizing, the Youth Leadership Institute (yli) will launch two new dynamic cohorts in Fresno and Madera counties.

Through an intentional inclusive recruitment process, yli will assemble youth cohorts to reflect the rich diversity of the region. yli will empower these diverse young changemakers to drive progress on critical issues of economic prosperity, community health, and climate justice. 

The cohorts will lead impactful research and analysis that will inform the development of the Central Valley Youth Economic and Climate Bill of Rights as well as the implementation of the S2J2 Regional Investment Plan. 

By elevating youth voices, this project will equip the next generation of leaders with the tools and knowledge to navigate decision-making spaces and catalyze lasting, systemic change in their communities.

Visión y Compromiso

Cultivating Prosperity for Promotoras | Location: Tulare County

Visión y Compromiso (VyC) and their Network of Promotoras are launching an innovative pilot promotora training program in Tulare County. This project will center equity, directing its resources to the rural and disinvested areas of the county that need it most. VyC will deliver culturally aware skill-based training – a career pathway that emerged as a community priority in the S2J2 survey of over 4,300 residents – and collaborate with industry partners to understand their workforce needs, barriers, and opportunities.

Complementing this skills-building focus, the project will foster economic mobility through comprehensive small business and entrepreneurship training, driving economic growth throughout the region.

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